
IBC 2020 Committee Roster


International Biometric Society Board of Directors

Executive Board

Louise M. Ryan, IBS Past President & IBC Organizing President
Geert Verbeke, IBS President
Vicente Núñez-AntónSecretary/Treasurer


Karen Bandeen-Roche (ENAR)
Jose Pinheiro (ENAR)
Andreas Ziegler (DR)
Brian Cullis (AR)
Mark J. Brewer (BIR)
Luzia Trinca (RBra)
Elizabeth Brown (WNAR)
Taerim Lee (RKo)
Frank Bretz (ROes)
Freedom Gumedze (GSaf)
Krista Fisher (N-BR)
Joel Greenhouse (ENAR)


Iris Pigeot, Representative Council Chair
Peter Doherty, IBS Executive Director 

IBC 2020 International Program Committee

Renato Assuncao, Chair (RBras)
Hongzhe Li (ENAR)
Patrick Brown (ENAR)
Shili Lin (ENAR)
Toshimitsu Hamasaki (JR)
Legesse Kassa Debusho (GSaf)
Atinuke O. Adebanji (GGha)
Michael Hoehle (DR)
Antonia Zapf (DR)
Rachel McCrea (BIR)
Lola Ugarte (REsp)
Fabrizia Mealli (RItl)
Clelia Di Serio (RItl)
Olivier Thas (RBe)
Aila Sarkka (NR)
Paulo Rodrigues Canas (RBras)
Urania Dafni (EMR)
Rachel Fewster (AR)
Andrew Zhou (CHINA)
Pyne Saumyadipta (IR)
Chaarmaine Dean, Past Chair (WNAR)
Taerim Lee, LOC Co-Chair (Korea)
Taesung Park, LOC Co-Chair (Korea)

Young Statistician Showcase Review Panel
Pamela Shaw, Chair (ENAR)
Alison Kelly, Representative Council Chair (AR) 
Ross Darnell (AR)
Agnes Kiragga (GUgan)
Rodrigo Citton Padilha Dos Reis (RBras)
Jurgen Kubler (DR)

IBC Local Organizing Committee

Taerim Lee, Co-Chair, Korea Open University

Taesung Park, Co-Chair, Seoul National University

Donguk Kim, Secretary General, Sungkyunkwan University, Vice President of Academic Affairs

Jae Won Lee, Korean University, Dean of School of Political Science and Economics

Ho Kim, Seoul National University, Dean of Graduate School of Public Health

Seung Yeoun Lee, Sejong University

Jaehee Kim, President of the IBS Korean Region, Duksung Woman’s University

JungBok Lee, Vice President of the IBS Korean Region, Asan Medical Center & University of Ulsan College of Medicine

Seonwoo Kim, Samsung Medical Center

Jinheum Kim, Department of Data Science, University of Suwon

Eunkyung Lee, Department of Statistics, Ewha Womans University

Sohee Park, Department of Biostatistics, Graduate School of Public Health, Yonsei University

Sandwook Kang, Department of Applied Statistics, Yonsei University

Sungho Won, Department of Public Health Sciences, Seoul National University

Minsun Song, Department of Statistics, Sookmyung Women’s University

Hyunsoon Cho, Department of Cancer Control and Population Health, Graduate School of Cancer Science and Policy, National Cancer Center

Peter Doherty, Executive Director, Ex-officio

Renato Assuncao, International Program Chair, Ex-officio
