

A variety of showcases and special invited sessions and keynote speakers will be presented during the 2020 International Biometric Conference.

Young Statistician Showcase Competition
25 August 2020 | 10:00 UTC

The Young Statisticians' Showcase is an important part of the Society's International Biometric Conference (IBC). Five papers (one from Africa, Asia & Australasia, Europe, North America and South America) have been selected for presentation in the Virtual IBC2020 Young Statisticians' Showcase session.  A schedule for each presentation is currently being made. We will update you as soon as it posted. 

Representing Australia/Asia (Australasian Region)
Luca Maestrini, Faculty of Science, School of Mathematical and Physical Science, University of Technology Sydney 
Title: Variational approximate inference for inverse problems motivated by medical tomography

Representing Africa (Tanzanian Region)
Wende Safari, Department of Mathematics, Universidad A Coruña 
Title: Nonparametric estimation of mixture cure model when cure status is partially known

Representing Europe (Netherlands Region)
Mirko Signorelli, Biomedical Data Sciences, Leiden University Medical Center
Title: How to predict a survival outcome using longitudinal and high-dimensional omics data

Representing South America (Argentinean Region)
Franca Giannini Kurina, Statistics and Biometrics, Faculty of Cs. Agricultural, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
Title: Two step procedure to model site specific herbicide soil persistence 

Representing North America (Eastern North American Region)
Hyo Young Choi, University of Tennessee Health Science Center 
Title: SCISSOR: a novel framework for identifying structural changes in RNA transcripts


Korean Biostatistics Showcase

27 July 2020 | 11:00 UTC

Session Organizer: IBS Korean Region
Session Chair: Taesung Park, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea


Sungho Won
Affiliation: Dept. of Public Health Sciences, Seoul National University

Title: Heritability Estimation of Dichotomous Phenotypes Using a Liability Threshhold Model on Ascertained Family-Based Samples

Minsun Song
Affiliation: Department of Statistics, Sookmyung Women's University

Title: Using imputed genotype data in the joint score tests for genetic association and gene-environment interactions in case-control studies

Wonil Chung
Affiliation: Dept. of Statistics and Actuarial Science, Soongsil University

Title: Efficient penalized regression approaches improve polygenic prediction in Biobank data

Seunggeun Lee
Affiliation: Graduate School of Data Science, Seoul National University

Title: Scaleable and accurate rare variant test for big biobank data analysis

Biometrics Showcase

Session 1  Recording
8 July 2020 | 13:00 UTC 
Speakers: Andrew G. Chapple and Peter F. Thall
Title: A hybrid Phase I-II/III clinical trial design allowing dose re-optimization in Phase III (75: 371-381, 2019)

Session 2 Recording
18 August 2020 @ 16:00 UTC
Speakers: John D. Rice, Robert L. Strawderman, Brent A. Johnson
Title: Regularity of a renewal process estimated from binary data (74: 566-574, 2018)


JABES Showcase

Session 1 Recording
14 July 2020 | 15:00 UTC
Speakers: Matthew J. Heaton
Title: A case study competition among methods for analyzing large spatial data
24: 398-425 (2019)

Session 2 Recording

16 July 2020 | 15:00 UTC
Speakers: Erin Schliep
Title: Joint temporal point pattern models for proximate species occurrence in a fixed area using camera trap data
23: 334-357 (2018)

Session 3 | Zoom Information

22 July 2020 | 00:00 UTC
Speaker: Daniel W. Gladish

Title: Emulation Engines: Choice and Quantification of Uncertainty for complex Hydrological Models 
23: 39-62 (2018)

Statistics in Practice I & II

Interested participants will be asked to watch a pre-recorded lecture  (, download and install the relevant R packages, and then participate in a hands-on practical workshop where Sam and Garth will offer practical advice on using the tools.  There will be two practical sessions:

Session I:
23 July 2020 | 00:00 Midnight UTC

Session II 
23 July 2020 | 06:00 UTC

Fast algorithms and modern visualizations for feature selection

Professor Samuel Mueller
School of Mathematics and Statistics

University of Sydney
Dr. Garth Tarr
School of Mathematics and Statistics

University of Sydney